Friday, February 21, 2014

30 Day Photo Challenge: Favorite Fictional Character

Day 20:
a picture of your favorite fictional character

The timing for this is absolutely perfect.
I already gushed about my love for Kate Winslet yesterday, and today it's Leo's turn.
Well, technically not Leo himself (though I love him too), but his best character:
Jack Dawson.

Titanic is my all time favorite movie and it has been since I was 16(ish).
I saw it when I was 10, but couldn't fully appreciate it because, well, I was 10.
But when I watched it again as a young adult, I absolutely fell in love with Jack Dawson.

And yes, I know that you're supposed to, that's the whole point of a love interest in a movie.
But still.
His character is so free and youthful and full of life, all things that I admire so much.
I'm a complete stress magnet. Things that shouldn't bother anyone stress me out to no end.
And it never goes away.
I could be obsessing over something for weeks, and then once it's resolved I start to worry about something else.
There's always something haunting my thoughts, but that's never the case for Jack.
And Rose, he's able to make her smile and laugh and let go just by being who he is; his outlook and attitude is contagious.

And he's so supportive.
Could you even imagine having someone like him in your life?
Someone you meet, and just sees right through you? Someone who accepts you before they even know you? Someone who can tell how you are actually feeling when everyone else around you has no idea?
And someone who cares!
He knew Rose a whole 30 seconds before he was unlacing his boots to jump into the water after her. It may not have mattered at that point who she was or what she was doing on that ledge, but he was willing to bet that she would be worth saving.

But I think the thing that makes me love him the most is his unstoppable positivity.
One of the other days for this challenge was a picture of my favorite quote, and I chose one of his.

I figure life's a gift and I don't intend on wasting it."

Sometimes it's really hard to think of things that way, and it really shouldn't be.
Sure, I could pinpoint all the disappointments I've ever had, all the things that stress me to no end; or I could fuck off and just remember that I'm lucky for the life I've been given.

The good things in my life greatly outweigh the not so good, and it would do me well to remember that.

That's why he's so great to me.
He has no money, no real home, and he can still see his blessings more clearly than so many people.
 Who is like that?

Above is one of the deleted scenes from Titanic.
I'm really sad that they didn't include it in the final version of the film, especially since it includes references that would make later parts of the movie even more significant.
It's nothing super exciting, but I think this captures his personality perfectly :)

And yes, I know he's fictional, but some of my favorite people don't really exist ;)

See you tomorrow :)

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