Wednesday, April 9, 2014

30 Day Disney Challenge: 42 Wallaby Way Sydney

Day 4:
favorite disney / pixar movie

This one was HARD.
It was a neck and neck tie between Monsters Inc. and Finding Nemo for a really long time.
I love them both so so much, but I feel that Finding Nemo pulled ahead after I moved to Virginia.
I don't know if I've mentioned it on here before, but I was a hot mess for a while when I first got here. I went from working 30+ hours a week, going to school and spending all my spare time with my friends and family in my hometown to a strange new place with no job, no friends and more spare time than I could possibly occupy without one or the other.
So naturally, for the first few months I was extremely home sick.

I remember one of my lowest points was when I was watching Finding Nemo.
I was just sitting there, da da da, minding my own business and feeling completely emotionally neutral.
But then (spoiler alert) when Mr. Pelican (I don't know his real name so I'm calling him Mr. Pelican) tells Nemo all about what his dad had been doing to rescue him, I started blubbering like I could fucking speak whale.
And of course, Bryan chooses this exact moment to get home from work, and walks in to me hyperventilating on the couch.

"Kat?! What's wrong?!"
"I...I'm fine."
"Obviously not!"
"It's just... Marlin is hard to get Nemo back!"
 "Yeah, what's wrong with that?"
"It's just... if a scuba diver put me in a little plastic bag and took me hundreds of miles away...I just... I JUST KNOW THAT MY DAD WOULD DO WHATEVER IT TOOK TO FIND ME TOO!"

Here's a clip of the part I was talking about:
You know, just in case you want to see how ridiculous I really am ;)

But yeah, obviously I'm fine now, but I think that little episode is what brought Finding Nemo up to the winning spot. It's just a great movie with a great story and moral, who couldn't love it?

Not that Monsters Inc. doesn't make me weep without shame, cause it totally does:

Fuck now I'm crying.

What's your favorite Pixar movie?
See you tomorrow!

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