I have loved Snape from the very beginning.
I knew that he wouldn't end up being a villain, and the only reason why that I can think of is that even as a 10 year old I knew that J.K. Rowling wasn't going to be THAT predictable.
I have loved Snape from the very beginning.
I knew that he wouldn't end up being a villain, and the only reason why that I can think of is that even as a 10 year old I knew that J.K. Rowling wasn't going to be THAT predictable.
Can you imagine?
"Oh my God! Snape is a bad guy! How did we not see this coming? They've only expected him since book 1."
"Oh my God! Snape is a bad guy! How did we not see this coming? They've only expected him since book 1."
I would have been thoroughly irked if he had gone back to the Dark Lord (for realsies that is).
But Miss Rowling did not disappoint.
But Miss Rowling did not disappoint.
In fact, she created the best possible story for Severus Snape. I'm a sucker for unrequited love stories (which is why I was totally Team Jacob until book 4 of the Twilight Series, at which point I became enraged and chucked my book across the floor), and the story of Snape and Lily is absolutely beautiful.
I've said this a billion times (mostly to Kelsie),
I've said this a billion times (mostly to Kelsie),
I really REALLY want J.K. Rowling to write a prequel series all about the original Order of the Phoenix and when Voldemort first rose to power.The stories of James, Lily, Sirius, Lupin, The Longbottoms, and Severus. I would be so blown away.
Albus Dumbledore was a close second.
He's like my Yoda.
Who is your favorite?
Have a good one!

Albus Dumbledore was a close second.
He's like my Yoda.
Who is your favorite?
Have a good one!

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