Saturday, December 13, 2014

December Photo Challenge: Calligraphy

Day 13: Handwriting

Every year at our Christmas party my boss does superlatives.
Basically what she does is writes something down about a person, reads it out anonymously and everyone guesses who she's talking about. 
Some are funny, some are serious, but it's always easy to guess who she's talking about.

The picture above is the one she wrote out for me, and I almost cried.
I love my boss.

Demcember Photo Challenge: Black and White

Day 12: B&W

Tonight was the night of my store's Christmas party.
I wore a kick ass dress and my favorite shoes and... couldn't figure out what to do with my hair.
I put it up, I put it back down, I pulled my "bangs" back, everything looked stupid.
I even fishtailed it with hopes that that would satisfy me enough to at least leave it alone.
But of course that wasn't the case.

The braid lasted about ten minutes before I took it out, but at least I got a picture of it ;)

December Photo Challenge: Tunes

Day 11: Music

"Animals" by Maroon5

I feel weird about it but I really REALLY like this song. Why it is weird? The music video.
Have you seen it? It's a giant confusing shitstorm of horror and sexuality.

It was hot and terrifying all at the same time.
And if you say you feel differently you are either a liar or you are made of stone.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

December Photo Challenge: Locks

Day 10: Hair

I'm getting DANGEROUSLY close to mermaid status.
Until just a couple years ago my hair never even touched my shoulders.
I don't know if I can ever go back...

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

December Photo Challenge: Come Up to the Lab...

Day 9: Red

Channeling my inner Rocky Horror for this one ;)
I feel like I should be having elbow sex with a bald hunchback.

I've really been digging red lipstick lately.
I only wear it when I dress up (which isn't often), but I always feel awesome when I do.
Being super pale is finally paying off ;)

Monday, December 8, 2014

December Photo Challenge: Wise Words

Day 8: Quote

One of my favorite holiday quotes :)
I know it hasn't been around a very long time, but I can't help but feel a little giddy when I hear it.
Christmas means different things to different people throughout their lifetime, and for me right now it's about love, friendship and trying to make people happy.
When you grow up it's easy to forget about the magic of Christmas, and this quote always helps me find it again.

December Photo Challenge: GRYFFINDOR!!

Day 7: Scarf

My friend Jake gave me this scarf for Christmas a couple years ago and it's been my favorite ever since.
It's all about House Pride ;)