Wednesday, May 21, 2014

30 Day Disney Challenge: A Quote about Dreaming

Day 22:
your favorite new movie (2000+)

Turns out I'm a liar.
Sorry this is late guys :(

Alot has happened this week:
I got a hair cut (trim actually).
I went and saw Godzilla (look out for a review ;)
I started the second season of Bates Motel (OH MY GOD)
I had Noodles and Company for the first time (YUM!).
I got everything I need to plant my balcony garden (minus the plants...)
I went to an all you can eat sushi bar (and almost died).
I started riding my bike again :)

But that's not what this post is about...

I've decided to go with Tangled.
I know I know, I just saw if for the first time a couple weeks ago.
But I REALLY REALLY liked it.
It's like, all I've heard about for the last year is Frozen Frozen Frozen (which is also amazing, don't get me wrong), that I didn't really think Tangled could ever compare.
You know when you haven't seen the new popular movie that everyone else has seen, and everyone keeps telling you how awesome it is so when you finally see it it's kind of meh because it's been completely over hyped to you? Yeah, it's kind of like that, but the opposite.
Am I making sense?

If you haven't seen Tangled, I'm going to do my best to describe why it's awesome without actually giving anything away (I'm trying to come up with a nifty little rhyme about the evil that is spoilers, but I've got NOTHING.)
Basically, it's got a little bit of everything that makes Disney movies great.
It's got action, adventure, a great villain, a leading man that actually has a personality (unlike most of them), an adorable silent sidekick, a great love story, and (most importantly) a lovable main character.

And the lanterns. The lanterns are cool as shit.

What's your favorite new Disney movie?
See you soon :)

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