Friday, July 20, 2012

Friendship Bracelets: Simple Stripes

Hi guys :)

Fun fact:

I went to summer camp for 8 years when I was still living in Washington.
Meaning I am a freaking PRO at friendship bracelets :)

So I've decided that over the next few weeks (or months, I dunno;)
I'm going to teach you too:)
Let's start with one of the easiest:

Simple Stripes

You will need:
- embroidery floss (5+ colors)
- tape
- scissors

Step 1:

Pick your colors,
If this is your first time making a bracelet like this, 

I suggest using 5 (or more) different colors.
It will make it A LOT easier to keep everything in order.

Step 2:
Cut your string.
Each strand should be about 3 feet long.
Don't have a yard stick or ruler?
No problem!
What I do is take the strand in my hand and place it next to my heart.
Then I extend my arm horizontally as far as I can reach.
If your recipient has larger or smaller wrists, go ahead and make the proper adjustments.

Step 3:

Tie all the strands together, 
forming a knot with 1-2 inches of excess string.

Step 4:

Tape the excess string to a hard, non-porous surface.
 Step 5:

Decide what order you would like your colors to be in.
Once you begin you won't be able to change it.
(I mean, you could, but it would mess everything up...)

Step 6:

Start with the string on the far left.
In this case it's the pink one.

Step 7:
Take the pink string and place is over the second (in this case, the blue) string.
It will look a little bit like the number 4.

Step 8:

Take the end of the pink string, pull it through the center of the "4".
Hold the blue string tightly, 
and pull the pink up the blue string until it makes a knot at the top.
Do this twice.

Step 9:

After tying two knots on the blue string,
move onto the next string in the row (in this case, the green string).
Using the same pink strand,
follow step 7 and 8 for the green string, and then the rest of the strings in the row.

^^after tying all the knots,
the pink string will end up at the end of the row.

Step 10:

Follow steps 6-9 with each string, until reaching the desired length.
^^ here's a work in progress
^^once your bracelet reaches 4 or 5 inches,
add another piece of tape,
it makes it easier to tie the knots.

Step 11:

Once you've reached your desired length,
tie another knot at the end, leaving 2-3 excess inches of string.


I hope you enjoyed this post:)
Keep an eye out for more friendship bracelet tutorials!

Have a great day loves:)

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