Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Heart Attack!

V-day's getting close...

time to sent out the HEART ATTACKS!

no... not the myocardial infarction
! why would you think that?!

basically, it's a box full of paper hearts.
It's just sort of a fun and festive way to celebrate cupid's favorite holiday
(and cheap, did I mention cheap?)

You Will Need:
- pink card stock (red would work too)
- white card stock
- a pencil
- a permanent marker
- scissors  
- a small box (not pictured) 
- a recipient! your mom, your aunt, a friend, ect.
(probably not the best gift for your girlfriends and wives boys...)

Step 1:

You need to make your hearts.
Take a piece of white card stock (I just used a piece of poster board) and fold it in half.

Use a fish hook shaped cut, just like when you were a kid.
Cut out different shapes and sizes so your box won't be boring.


Step 2:
Use the white hearts you just cut out as stencils for the pink card stock (again, poster board).
**If you want, you can just skip making the white hearts and use the pink for step 1. I chose to do it this way so the pink hearts would lie flat**

Step 3:

Using the pencil, trace the hearts onto the poster board.
To save paper, rotate the hearts and position them so they take up less room on the paper (it's hard to describe in words, but you can see it in the picture). Trace out a fair amount of hearts, I don't think you can really have too many in this project.

Step 4:

Once you have all the hearts traced, cut them out.
Make sure to cut close enough to get rid of the pencil marks

Step 5:

Make a different colored heart (I used white) and write a message for the recipient.
Some people choose to write something on ALL the hearts, but ain't nobody got time for that.

Step 6:

Put all (except for 5) the hearts in a box and tape it shut.
Decorate the box with the remaining hearts.
**please excuse the mangled box**

Step 7:

Use the permanent market to address the box.
I sent this inside an even bigger box, 
so I didn't address it for postage (though you TOTALLY should)

I also added instructions: "open, dump, enjoy"
That should insure a wonderful mess :)

And BAM, present complete.

And that is how you make a Heart Attack!
I'm sure you could've figured it out on your own, but I'm here just in case :)

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!

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