As I mentioned in my April Favorites post,
I've been OBSESSED with braiding my hair lately.
My hair is the longest it's been in AGES, so now I can finally do the more complicated stuff.
Which is why I was so excited when this little beauty arrived:
I need to hunker down and actually learn new ways to do my hair, and I think I've found the perfect way to inspire myself. I'm going to try to master a new braid every day and post the pictures here in a weekly post.
Here we go:
Braid-a-Day Challenge
week one
Scarf Pigtails^^
difficulty: medium
I don't think I could ever pull these off in life, but it's still a cool thing to learn to do just in case. I could use it for Halloween or something :)
Angel Braid^^
difficulty: medium
I LOVE this braid. It's a great way to dress up a normal bun or ponytail.
And it doesn't take long to do so I can do it before work :)
Mermaid Braid^^
difficulty: easy
Fun fact about me, I kind of suck at using bobby pins.
I don't know why, but I always have to use loads of them and they never work as well as everyone always tells me they can. So thanks to that, I kind of sucked at this braid. It's supposed to be 2 normal braids bobby pinned together to look like one big thick braid, but thanks to the fact that I'm pin inept and that my braids weren't the same length (my fault, easy fix), this braid didn't turn out quite the way it was supposed to.
Braided Headband^^
difficulty: medium
This one is also fun, it was just surprising how long it took to braid the tiny sections that make the band.
When I braid all of my hair at once it takes me less than a minute, but when I'm working with tiny little strands it takes much longer. It makes sense, I just didn't think about it until I was doing it.
Basic Braid^^
difficulty: easy
A new all the time staple for me. I'll braid it like this before bed so it doesn't tangle, I'll do it like this for work, or basically just anytime I want my hair out of my face. Ponytails look weird on me (my hair is too long and straight, I feel like
Madonna) and buns tangle the shit out of my hair. This is a nice alternative :)
Fishtail Braid^^
difficulty: medium
One of my favorite things ever. Not just because it looks cool, but because I actually figured out how to do it. I've been trying to learn how to fishtail for
years and I just couldn't wrap my head around it. But once I got it, it became second nature and I do it all the time. The only sad thing is it's kind of a delicate braid (especially if you have layers), so you can't move it about that much without it starting to come undone.
Meaning this one is a no no a work :( Boo.
Lace Braid^^
difficulty: medium
This one is essentially an angel braid that just never stops.
And like the angel braid, it's a great little garnish to your normal hair style.
As much as I love curling (or
mermaiding;) my hair, it takes heat and time and this time of year the humidity can be a real curl killer. Meaning that most of the time when my hair is down, it's just down, and that can get boring.
This braid is a great way to add a little oomph, and it doesn't take long to do so it isn't a hassle.
They're getting harder so doing one a day is probably a little ambitious, but I'm going to give it my best shot ;)
See you next time!