Monday, March 4, 2013

HP Challenge: Day 8

Q: Where there any moments in the books / movies that made you cry?

A: Shit tons.


Something you may not know about me...
I cry during movies. ALL. THE. TIME. And it doesn't really matter what kind of movie it is.
Drama, action, comedy, musicals, if there's something extremely happy or extremely sad, I'm bawling.

These movies are no exception.
In fact, I'm pretty sure they're even worse.
I'm almost positive there is at least one part of each movie that gets me.

I cried when Hagrid had his name cleared at the end of The Chamber of Secrets.

I cried when Sirius died in Order of the Phoenix.

I cried when Dumbledore died in The Half Blood Prince.

And Christ, I cried like every 10 minutes in the last movie.
I cried every time someone died, I cried when the Battle of Hogwarts began,
I cried when Snape's story was finally explained, 
and I cried when everyone thought Harry was dead.
I was DANGEROUSLY dehydrated after watching that movie.

I cried while reading the books too, but not quite as much as with the movies.
With the movies you have visuals and music and I don't stand a chance.

Aaaaand now I'm sad :(

See you tomorrow guys.

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