Monday, March 10, 2014

Day 1: The Boondock Saints Drinking Game

Since I've moved to Virginia, my friends and I have started celebrating St. Paddy's Day properly (probably due to the fact that I turned 21 a month after I got here ;) We do a lot of different things, but there's one tradition that we know we can never skip:

The Boondock Saints Drinking Game

The Boondock Saints is one of my all time favorite movies.
(yes, I do have a few other favorites, but this one's legit.)

So it should be no surprise that this is a cannot miss St. Paddy's Day custom.
Care to join the fun?
Awesome :)

There are two ways to play, the complicated way and the straight forward way.

The complicated way:

Drink every time:
Conor and Murphy do something in unison.
Someone starts speaking a different language.
Someone gets shot (and dies).
Smecker says something shitty.

Waterfall when:
Conor and Murphy recite the family prayer.

Smecker listens to his classical music.

Finish your drink for:
Smecker in drag.

The straight forward way:
Drink every time they say "fuck". That's all.
(This is how my friends and I play ;)


It may not be the classiest of drinking games, but shit it's fun :)
AND the movie's available instantly on Netflix, so all you need is booze!

See you tomorrow!

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