Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Day 3: Drunk Jenga

What's more fun than board games from childhood?

Drunk Jenga

**picture credit:**

Let me start by saying that the picture above is way sexier than the Drunk Jenga that my friends and I play.
I wasn't fully prepared for today's post so I had to put it in the google :S my b guys.
But other than some of the naughty planks ("make me want it"? christ.), the game is exactly the same as the version my friends and I play.
Don't get me wrong, if you want to play the risque version go for it. Let your freak flag fly.

It's exactly the same as regular Jenga, but with each piece you have to perform a task.
My friends made a set a while back and it's so much fun.

Examples for planks:
"Give Three": Puller gives three drinks.
"Take Three": Bet you can guess this one ;)
"Ladies" & "Gents"
"Crazy Eyes": The puller now has the power of the crazy eyes. If they are able to make eye contact with another player and jerk their head and widen their eyes, the player has to drink.

"Thumb Master": whoever draws it is the Thumb Master and whenever they put their thumb on the table the last person to do the same has to drink.
"Categories": whoever pulls this plank comes up with some sort of category (Tim Burton movies, types of stout, holidays, ect.) Then you go around in a circle and each person says something that belongs in that category. The first person to hesitate (5 seconds or more) has to drink.
"Rhyme Time": A lot like categories but instead the puller picks a word. You got around in a circle and the first person who hesitates or says a word that isn't real has to drink.
"Lost in Translation": whoever pulls this one has now lost the ability to speak English (or any other actual language.) They now can only communicate with gestures, meaningless babble and the help of their translator (picked by the puller).
"Make a Rule": again, pretty self explanatory.

There's a lot more, but the point is to get creative and come up with your own :)
Oh, and whoever knocks the tower down has to chug their drink, and that's pretty much it :)

Have fun!

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