Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 2: Irish Coffee

My husband is a total Hibernophile.
(Someone who is very fond of Irish culture and customs, I had to google it.)
Well, at least he is when it comes to alcohol. He loves Guinness, Murphy's, and most of all: good old fashioned Irish coffee.
As a bit of a coffee snob (I'm from Washington state, it's totally okay that I'm addicted to Starbucks), I always find myself turning him down when he offers to make me a cup of his favorite caffeinated hooch.
But never fear, I believe that I have found a way to enjoy this Sunday breakfast tradition.

Irish Coffee Recipes: Manly & Girly

**picture credit: www.google.com**

Bryan likes his Irish coffee strong and bitter, pretty much the exact same way he likes his normal coffee.
Here's his recipe:
Fill a mug 3/4 full with black coffee.
Add a shot of Irish whiskey (or a shot an a half, that's all you)

Some people will add sugar, but Bryan usually just drinks it this way.
He'll add some Bailey's to it now and again, but for the sake of this post, we're going to stick to his manliest mix ;)

Me, personally, I prefer my coffee to be creamy and flavorful (and by flavorful I mean including multiple kinds of chocolate ;).

Here's the recipe I've come up with:
Fill a mug 1/2 full with coffee.
Add half a shot of Irish whiskey.
Add a shot of Bailey's.
Add a tablespoon of Hersey's syrup.
**Optional: Add a tablespoon of white chocolate syrup.**
Mix it all together.
I'm not a huge fan of whipped cream, but adding a dollop on top will definitely help the girly cause ;)

Please drink responsibly :)

See you tomorrow!



  1. Coffee is best drink for refreshment but Morning Detox Drink will help you cure hangover problem.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  4. Reach for coffee for an energy boost, but if you overdid it last night, a Anti Hangover Drink like a morning detox drink might be better.
