Friday, February 14, 2014

30 Day Photo Challenge: Big Ticket Item

Day 12:
a picture of the most expensive thing you own

**I decided to exclude the obvious, like my computer, our bed, stuff like that**

Yes, yes, I'm a day late with this one (sorry!), but I have a good reason.
I was making Conversation Cookies for my work chums.
It's totally a thing.

But anyway, my most expensive thing (excluding the obvious as I have noted above) would have to be my stand mixer :)
My husband got it for me for my birthday this year :)
Oh my gosh you guys, it's so expensive, but it's so amazing.
As I've mentioned before, I've been on a bit of a baking kick since last summer, and this mixer makes it so much easier.
I never realized how much you actually mix things when you bake!
I mean, obviously I was aware that there was a fair bit of mixing involved but it didn't occur to me until after I didn't have to mix them by hand anymore how much of baking is in fact combining* a bunch of shit together.
*Thought if I said "mix" again the internet would break.

It's awesome.
Seriously, if you're a baker you should really consider getting one.
And they come in all these adorable colors now! I know that shouldn't be the deciding note on buying something like this but it never hurts ;)

See you later ;)

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