Day 2:
a picture of your favorite show
a picture of your favorite show

as a TV fiend,
(and by fiend I mean impatiently waiting until the entire series comes on Netflix so I can watch all 10 seasons in 3 days and then cry), it's really difficult to pick a favorite show.
There are SO many honorable mentions for this one.
(How I Met Your Mother, New Girl, The Office, Dexter, Pretty Little Liars, SNL, just to name a few.)
But this challenge is supposed to be based on who I am now, today, at this exact moment.
So that means the torch goes to Buffy :)
I watched the entire series of Buffy over the span of a few months back in late 2010/early 2012. 7 years of slays, all at once. It was amazing. I fell in love with the show and all (yes, ALL) of it's characters, and when it was over I felt sad, empty and wonderful all at once.
After that, I put the series on the shelf and didn't watch it for a long time, with the exception of some of my favorite episodes here and there.
That is, until about a week ago.
Norfolk has had some temperamental weather over the last few weeks, resulting in not one, but 2 snow days, forcing (not that I'm complaining) me to miss work and stay indoors.
So, instead of succumbing to cabin fever, I decided to start Buffy all over again, from the very beginning.
(and by fiend I mean impatiently waiting until the entire series comes on Netflix so I can watch all 10 seasons in 3 days and then cry), it's really difficult to pick a favorite show.
There are SO many honorable mentions for this one.
(How I Met Your Mother, New Girl, The Office, Dexter, Pretty Little Liars, SNL, just to name a few.)
But this challenge is supposed to be based on who I am now, today, at this exact moment.
So that means the torch goes to Buffy :)
I watched the entire series of Buffy over the span of a few months back in late 2010/early 2012. 7 years of slays, all at once. It was amazing. I fell in love with the show and all (yes, ALL) of it's characters, and when it was over I felt sad, empty and wonderful all at once.
After that, I put the series on the shelf and didn't watch it for a long time, with the exception of some of my favorite episodes here and there.
That is, until about a week ago.
Norfolk has had some temperamental weather over the last few weeks, resulting in not one, but 2 snow days, forcing (not that I'm complaining) me to miss work and stay indoors.
So, instead of succumbing to cabin fever, I decided to start Buffy all over again, from the very beginning.
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