Saturday, February 15, 2014

30 Day Photo Challenge: Favorite Book

Day 14:
a picture of your favorite book

**I'm choosing to exclude the Harry Potter series (which are by FAR my favorite books. Ever. In the universe. Forever.) I'm doing this because I've already written a post about my favorite HP book.**

So today I'm going to talk about Blood & Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause.

This book is one of the few books that I can read over and over again.
And I totally do.
I've probably read this book...uhmmm... I'll say 12 times in the last 9 years.
It's my go to "I just finished a book and I still really want to read but I'm not ready for a new story yet so I'll read this again" book.
I even bought the Kindle version so I'll always have it with me.

And the crazy thing is, it's not even that great of a story.
I mean, I love it, but there's nothing revolutionary or elaborate about it.
And it's kind of a bummer because it doesn't end the way I want it to :/
But I can't stop reading it.

Oh, and the movie version is a god damned joke.
Yes, the ending is more of what I wanted, but that's only because the ENTIRE plot of the movie is completely different from the book.
I've never really been one of those "the book is ALWAYS better" people, simply because I think that people tend to enjoy whatever they positively experience first. If you see the movie first and like it, you're going to be a little pissed when you go read the book and it's different from what you originally knew as the story (and vice versa).
But this one, holy fuck.
I swear, they basically took all the names of the characters (some of them aren't even the same people) and the BASIC (I'm talking bare bones) storyline of the book and then changed everything else.
And I was PISSED.
But yeah, it's a good one.
(The book, not the movie. Just to avoid confusion.)

See you laterrrrr :)

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