Sunday, February 23, 2014

30 Day Photo Challenge: Something Better

Day 21:
a picture of something you'd like to do better.

There are a TON of things I wish I could improve on.
Dieting, exercising, whatever the opposite of procrastinating is; I could go on.
But there's one thing that really sticks out, and that's playing the guitar.

I've always loved music, but for some reason never learned to play an instrument.
When I first moved to Virginia I had a really hard time finding a job, so after a couple months of complete boredom I decided to try.
Bryan got Giles for me at a pawn shop in Virginia Beach, and I just started playing.
I taught myself chords with visual diagrams and learned the best way to strum from watching YouTube videos.
I still have no idea how to pick or anything like that, but I'm still learning.

I've posted a few covers on my YouTube channel, but they're nothing all that special.
I guess my ultimate goal is to get good enough to play in front of others, not so much performing, but more for just jamming with friends.
That's something I miss most about living so far away from home, I had to leave all my musical friends behind :(

What's something you'd like to be better at?
(I know, never end a sentence with a preposition. But frankly, it's Sunday and I don't give a fuck.)

See you soon :)

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