Wednesday, February 26, 2014

30 Day Photo Challenge: "Grown Up" Dreams

Day 25:
a picture of what you want to be when you "grow up"

Yes, technically I am grown, but I am far from accomplishing all that I would like to.
When you're a kid you have all sorts of crazy ambitions.
At one point I wanted to be a lawyer, a singer, a professional soccer player, I even wanted to be a river dancer. But, like so many others, most of my dreams faded with age.
But one has stuck since I was 12, and that's becoming an author.

I know I'll never be the next JK Rowling (I'm simply not worthy), but I would love to have a bestselling novel. I've started so many stories through the years but have always lost interest before I made my way to end. I don't know if it's ADD or just really bad writer's block, but I've yet to complete an idea.
I'm in the middle of one now that I feel really good about, but who knows.

Here's my dream scenario:

I want write a book that becomes enough of a bestseller to warrant a movie (not a big movie like Harry Potter or The Hunger Games, but big enough to have Max Thieriot in it ;) 

But I don't want to sell out, I want to contribute to the film itself (write the screenplay, help with musical selections, casting, that stuff ;).

But overall, financially all I really want is to be successful enough to get a summer home out in the woods (think Secret Window without the schizophrenia) and get a massage once a week.
That's the dream ;)

As for the content itself, I really want to write about strong women.
Not bra burning feminists (frankly because I could just never get on that level, I NEED my bra), but girls who can handle themselves.
I still want to write about love and relationships (because I'm a sucker for all that shit), but I really want to create women that girls can look up to.
That was one of the reasons why I loved the Harry Potter books so much.
Hermione Granger and Minerva McGonagall are some of the strongest people I've ever read about, and they're the kind of women I want my (distant distant future) daughter(s) to look up to.

I don't know if it'll ever happen, but I'm never going to stop writing.

See you tomorrow :)


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