Day 9:
a picture of someone you would like to trade places with for a day

I know, I know, I've already talked about my love for Buffy.
But the thing is, when I'm really really honest with myself, being Buffy Summers would be the SHIT.
a picture of someone you would like to trade places with for a day

I know, I know, I've already talked about my love for Buffy.
But the thing is, when I'm really really honest with myself, being Buffy Summers would be the SHIT.
Here's why:
She gets to hang out with Xander and Willow.
She gets to hang out with Xander and Willow.
She gets to use a crossbow.
She gets to be with Angel.
Always looking amazing, even dressed for the 90s.
Super slayer kick ass skills.
Giles as a father figure.
Get's to have a crazy passionate relationship with Spike.
She makes puns even more awesome.
She never dies (for real anyways).
She's got a BANGIN' body.
Obviously I wouldn't want to be there when all the horribleness happens, especially when my favorite people die (the terror of loving characters in the Whedonverse).
Obviously I wouldn't want to be there when all the horribleness happens, especially when my favorite people die (the terror of loving characters in the Whedonverse).
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