I don't know about you guys, but I needed this today:
"Gumption" by Hans Zimmer
"The Holiday" is by far one of my favorite movie scores.
I've always loved Zimmer, and this is one of his bests in my opinion.
I've always loved Zimmer, and this is one of his bests in my opinion.
He was a wonderful way of bringing the emotions to the music, and that's why I love this piece in particular.
In the movie, "Gumption" is played when Kate Winslet (love her) finally stands up to the person that has walked all over her for years. It's a beautiful moment of strength and self confidence, hence the name of the song. Whenever I hear it I feel empowered, like Iris Simpkins is my spirit guide and I can do anything.
I thought I was going to fall over after work today, so I listened to this on my way home and it perked me right up :)

I thought I was going to fall over after work today, so I listened to this on my way home and it perked me right up :)

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